
The goal of the Customer Voting Portal is to balance new product development in line with customer requests while contributing to the long-term product roadmap. Each module has its own voting portal, directly accessible from the Admin pages in Pulse, and enhancement requests are transparent meaning it allows you to see the suggestions from other Pulse customers. If there is an enhancement you believe would be beneficial to other customers – speak with your network! We encourage you to use the portal as a platform to help communicate your needs as a user group. This will ensure Pulse delivers strategic and customer driven enhancements along with features to help align strategies, people, and organisational performance.

This update will be progressively rolled out over the next 2 weeks.

1. Learning Management System

1.1 Training Sessions and Attendance marking are getting an upgrade!

Training Sessions and Attendance marking are getting an upgrade!

To help meet the evolving needs of the Pulse Customer base, we are extending our Learning Session management functionality to enable the facilitation of multi-day learning events. This will be achieved by allowing multiple Session Periods to be created within a Learning Session, each with their own time, date, and locations.

With the addition of multiple Session Periods within a Learning Session, where it may be possible that a registered user may not attend all sessions, Attendance marking will become more important. To further support the administering of Session attendance, we have made improvements to how Session marking is done, and improved partial attendance functionality by adding the ability to override assigned Development Points, Certificates, and accreditations.

Finally, we have also added to, and improved, our Learning Session and Attendance reporting, adding a new report and filters to existing reports.

With these changes, we hope to reduce or eliminate the overhead and error prone process of creating disparate Sessions for courses which often results in duplicate data, incorrect completion or attendance records, and large amounts of time spent by Admin users.

Learn more about the upcoming changes in our Knowledge Base article here.

Issues resolved


  • Fixed an issue where the Supervisor Dashboard failed to load
  • Fixed an issue where users are presented with an error if trying to access Accreditation tab in their profile when they do not have access permission to the Learning module.

Employee Performance Management

  • Fixed an issue where the 'Allow reviewees to approve/reject their Goal before finalising' is unable to be turned off when there are goals from previous years are awaiting acceptance


  • Fixed an issue where training requests cannot be progressed.
  • Fixed an issue where a linked accreditation is not issued to the learners after successfully completing eLearning course.

Corporate Planning & Reporting

  • Fixed an issue where Document Generator fails to generate documents when CPI table is included.
  • Fixed an issue where My Pulse Summary displays inaccurate count of outstanding Actions


  • Fixed an issue where the progress of form completion is not captured after refreshing the page