
The goal of the Customer Voting Portal is to balance new product development in line with customer requests while contributing to the long-term product roadmap. Each module has its own voting portal, directly accessible from the Admin pages in Pulse, and enhancement requests are transparent meaning it allows you to see the suggestions from other Pulse customers. If there is an enhancement you believe would be beneficial to other customers – speak with your network! We encourage you to use the portal as a platform to help communicate your needs as a user group. This will ensure Pulse delivers strategic and customer driven enhancements along with features to help align strategies, people, and organisational performance.

1.Enterprise Risk Management

1.1 Add Filtered Records and Current View options to the Excel Export on My/All Risks and My/All Archived Risks pages

Added the option to export the Current View, meaning only those records on the currently displayed page, and the Filtered Records, meaning all of the records that adhere to the configured filter to the following pages:

• My Risks
• All Risks
• My Archived Risks
• All Archived Risks

Note: If no filters are enabled, and the Export Filtered Records option is selected, the exported file will contain ALL records.


2.1 Ordering of My Pulse Summary

The My Pulse Summary drawer has been re-ordered to match the ordering in the Left menu.

This adjustment aims to make it easier for admins to find modules in the My Pulse Summary drawer without having to search extensively.

By aligning the order of items in the drawer with the Left menu, admins can quickly navigate to the desired modules, saving them time and streamlining their workflow.

3. Learning

3.1 Ability to include Email Address in Attendee List

Users will now be able to see email address of all the attendees when they will download the Excel report. This feature enhances communication outside of the Pulse System by providing users with the necessary contact information.

Issues resolved

Project Management & Control

  • Fixed an issue where the admins were not able to access the Admin page.

Enterprise Risk

  • Fixed an issue where "All Risks" page was unresponsive.

Corporate Planning & Reporting

  • Fixed an issue where admins were unable to select the reporting year in the new action importer.
  • Fixed an issue where the radio button was not visible in the Bulk Reassignment Page.
  • Fixed an issue where configurations in the Document Generator were not properly being saved.
  • Fixed an issue where the My Actions and All Actions pages only allowed filtering for upto 11-years period. Admins can now access all hierarchy years in My Actions and All Actions page.


  • Fixed an issue where Staff Tasks and Organisational Tasks were not visible when a user is being removed from the Portal.
  • Fixed an issue where the scroll bar was available on most of the pages due to large number of data.


  • Fixed an issue where "Clone eLearning course from external councils" were accessible by all module admins.
  • Fixed an issue where the renewed accreditation would show in the expired accreditation count in the Manage Users in Learning page.
  • Fixed an issue where users' session bookings were displayed as in a waitlist on the "All Training Request History" and "My Training Request History" pages when they are marked as Not Attended and Waitlist functionality is enabled.

Delegations & Policies Register

  • Fixed an issue in the Law Importer page where all the delegations were showing as modified even when there were no changes made.

Performance Module

  • Fixed an issue where the "Reviewer Check-in Reminder - Recurring" notification was not working as expected when selecting the 'Once' frequency.


  • Fixed an issue where the past users were still coming up in the user group dropdown filer.


  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to add "Performance Reporting-Notifications".
  • Temporarily reverted the design of the admin pages in the below-mentioned modules to resolve an issue with missing admin function tiles in some configurations.

The modules that had their admin pages reverted are:

  • Corporate Planning & Reporting
  • Additional Hierarchies
  • Compliance
  • Audit
  • Performance Reporting Framework
  • Delegations & Policies
  • Projects
  • Risks