
New Features and Enhancements

1.Enterprise Risk Management

1.1 Ability to send an automatic notification when a risk is added or reviewed to a specific risk residual rating
  • System admins can create a notification called "Notify risk management officers of residual risk rating" which notifies officers when risks of a certain rating have been added to the system or if risks meet the criteria during the review process.
  • To set up this notification, system admins can select the risk ratings that they require to be notified such as high, extreme etc. In addition, they can select the notification recipient including risk owner, risk area owner, and system admins.
  • They can also choose to send the same notification to one or more positions.
  • How this detail is displayed can be seen in the video below

2.Human Capital Management - Onboarding

2.1 Ability to give permission to portal owners to manage portals
  • System admins can now provide additional permissions to portal owners.
  • In the "Manage portal owners and permission" page, system admins can give the following permissions to the portal owners:
  1. Can edit portal(includes rename portal)
  2. Can manage portal owners and permission
  3. Can manage organisational task
  • How this detail is displayed can be seen in the video below

3.Corporate Planning & Reporting - Performance Reporting Framework

3.1 Ability to configure and resize columns for a reporting frequency specifically

In My CPI, All CPI, CPI Authorisation, and My pulse summary  pages:

  • When a user adds or removes a column in a frequency tab (Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Half-yearly), it does not affect the other frequencies tab (earlier the same configuration was applied to other frequencies).
  • When a user resizes a column in a frequency tab (Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Half-yearly), it does not affect the other frequency tab (earlier the same configuration was applied to other frequencies).
  • How this detail is displayed can be seen in the video below
3.2 Add the target status field on all CPIs and reports
  • The "Target status" field is now available in the configure columns in the following pages:

        All CPIs, CPI Authorisation, My CPI,  My CPI progress report, CPI progress     report

  • The "Target status" field is added to the CPI columns in Doc generator reports:

CPI configurable report by Hierarchy, CPI configurable report, CPI enterprise report and CPI progress report

  • How this detail is displayed can be seen in the video below

Issues Resolved

Corporate Planning & Reporting

  • Downloading template file for doc generator reports is working as expected.

Human Capital Management - Performance

  • In the reviewer dashboard "Send to reviewee" button is working as expected. When the reviewer clicks on this button the goals and the details will be sent to the reviewee to accept.

Corporate Planning & Reporting - Performance Reporting Framework

  • If the "Display negative numbers in brackets " configuration key is on, and the annual target value is negative, it will be displayed in brackets in the following pages and reports:

All CPIs, Document generator(CPI table), My indicator, CPI authorisation, My CPI progress report, all Excel export files, all OPIs, My OPIs

  • The "Annual Result" is appearing as column option onto the doc generator reports.